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Find your way

   to feel great


Are you feeling the need for some major self-care, but find it hard to prioritise your wellbeing?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of wellbeing advice out there and need some clarity?

Are you ready to take control of your health and change the way you live for the rest of your life?

I hear you.  The world of wellness and nutrition has become pervasive - everyone has advice on how we should live and eat but how do we access our inner guide? 


I decided to become a health coach to help people like me get past the hype and diet fads and own their health.  The food we eat is a huge component, but it’s only part of the bigger picture and we have to begin by getting to know ourselves better. 


The road to wellness can be a tough one to go alone but with the help of a mentor who will hold you accountable, it can be an endlessly fun,  rewarding and even spiritual journey. 


It’s time to stop putting your health on the back-burner and establish your way to feel great.

A road map to you


My coaching programmes are aimed at helping you set and achieve goals focused on the improvement of your wellbeing.


This can be healthier eating, stress management, a more consistent movement, spiritual or creative practice, menstrual awareness, or possibly fostering a big change or transition in your life.


The possibilities are endless and the shape and content of the programme very much depends on the goals you set at the beginning and the progression of each session. 


We’ll start by looking at the foods you eat and then look at how you’re feeding yourself creatively, spiritually, socially, etc. as we work together to define what areas in your life are calling you and how best to nurture them, one step at a time.


How I work...


I use a personalised, holistic approach that looks at lifestyle as well as food choices


I believe there is no one way - you will be treated and celebrated as an individual 


I’m not into counting – especially calories, carbs and kilos – no maths or scales here


I love food and will help inspire you to create healthy, affordable and delicious meals


I advocate movement and mindfulness - we’ll find ways to weave this into your life


I believe in protecting our environment and will inspire actions that help you and the planet


Yoga is an integral part of my wellbeing toolkit - I can help you own a practice too


I like creative, bespoke solutions - do not expect a diet plan or ’10 steps to’ kind of system


A Health Coach is...

A personal guide that helps make wellbeing concepts more familiar and accessible

A cheerleader who is on your side when it comes to prioritising your health

A mentor who helps you  develop the tools  you need to make healthy choices for the rest of your life

Together we will

Establish a range of practices that will support your wellbeing


Set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting


Build your confidence in making healthy choices


Grow your love of the kitchen as a focal point for wellness

Uncover habits that might be standing in the way of you creating change


Help you develop healthy habits that you can sustain


Restore your energy and help you access calm


Give you the confidence to live the life you want, your way

Work with me


Are you ready to get stuck in?  Motivation is key and if you’re feeling excited and driven to be your most vibrant, centred self, then let’s get started.

This is a free 30-minute Skype call where we discuss your health concerns and aspirations and determine if we're a good fit!





Your investment:


This is a 90-minute phone or skype session where we will chat through your health history and current challenges in the way of wellbeing.   We define your health aspirations and highlight key areas to focus on and you walk away with three actions to get you started on your journey.  If you decide to embark on a full coaching programme, this call will be deducted from your overall package choice.



CLICK HERE to inquire







Over the course of 6 months, we will work together on three major health and wellbeing goals that are established during our first consultation call.  By the end of the programme, we will have uncovered insights that together will form a guide to a healthier, more empowered you.  You’ll have had a chance to try and fall and get back up again and really work through your pitfalls.  You’ll walk away with loads of confidence and direction - a veritable toolkit to return to to keep you on top of your health.  



The programme includes:


  • A 60-minute Healthy Kick-start call to set up your strategy 

  • 2 x 60-minute bi-weekly coaching calls per month

  • A personalised plan of action after each session 

  • Resources, recipes and handouts to help you on your journey

  • A welcome kit full of goodies for your wellbeing 

  • A workbook to accompany your sessions (and keep as a lifelong tool!)



CLICK HERE to inquire

My Way

Your investment:



Schedule a call with me to discuss your workplace wellbeing goals and I’ll devise a plan to either offer a series of helpful workshops covering topics such as Managing Stress, Self-Care, Morning Routines, Health Lunches, etc. to help your staff maintain their wellbeing goals in the context of an office environment or to offer a combination package of workshops and office-friendly yoga/meditation classes. 



CLICK HERE to inquire

What people say

Kate has helped me to learn to trust myself, to be kind to myself and to focus on the positive things I am doing. Thank you Kate for being there at just the moment I needed you!

- Rebecca, Marketing Manager

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