Your way to
Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt . . . Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity.
- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching (translated by Stephen Mitchell)
Hi, I'm Kate
I’m a yoga teacher and health coach living in London and I’m passionate about helping others create a roadmap to themselves and their wellbeing.
I believe we innately know what’s best for us but it takes a little detective work to get to that clarity.
I’ve found my way of living a healthy life (aka The Kate Way) but what’s yours? I’m here to help you find it!
The benefits of a yoga practice are endless. Tension dissolving, mind mending, body healing, it works on so many levels, but if you think you need to be flexible or unstressed to begin, then think again.
I offer group classes, private sessions, workshops, courses and retreats that are friendly and welcoming to all levels. I love helping people who feel intimated by yoga make it their own.
In this busy modern world our health and wellbeing usually ends up on the back-burner.
Too busy, too stressed, too much work to get done — it’s not until our body starts complaining that we think to get some help.
I’m here to be the lighthouse on your path to feeling great so you can stop the problems before they start. Click below to read more about my My Way coaching programme to get the support you need.
Work with me
The Kate Way
What people say
When Kate teaches I have absolute trust in the knowledge I will leave her yoga class feeling on top of the world! Off the mat too, Kate is an inspiration to all of us to make positive changes to our lifestyles, and proof that yoga gives you the balance and confidence to start fulfilling your dreams.
- Lianne, Designer